ExACtly zero or once


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منابع مشابه

ExACtly zero or once

Objective: To assist the interpretation of genomic data for common epilepsies, we asked whether variants implicated in mild epilepsies in autosomal dominant families are present in the general population. Methods: We studied 12 genes for the milder epilepsies and identified published variants with strong segregation support (de novo germline mutation or $4 affected family members). These varian...

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Transactional Exactly-once

A three-tier application is organized as three layers. Front end clients (e.g., browsers) with which human user interact; middle-tier servers (e.g., web servers) that contain the core business logic of the application; and back-end database servers against which application servers perform transactions. Although three-tier applications are nowadays mainstream, they usually fail to provide su ci...

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EOS: Exactly-Once E-Service Middleware

Today's web-based E-services do not handle system failures well. One of the most prominent examples is unintentional purchase of multiple copies of the same item (e.g., a DVD) in an online store. This may happen when the user sees a browser timeout for the final “checkout” (“place order”) request caused by a short outage or overload of the network or the backend servers (typically during peak l...

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Hailstorm: Distributed Stream Processing with Exactly Once Semantics

In recent years, stream processing has emerged as a data analysis technique to handle real-time applications where the latency of Hadoop is unacceptable. Many popular systems, such as Twitter’s Storm, provide a rigid platform for performing distributed computations over the network. Stormlike systems typically provide at-least-once processing with state management left to the implementor. We pr...

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EOMP: an exactly once multicast protocol for distributed mobile systems

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عنوان ژورنال: Neurology Genetics

سال: 2017

ISSN: 2376-7839

DOI: 10.1212/nxg.0000000000000163